
Climate Group opens Europe office in Amsterdam


International non-profit Climate Group has opened a new European office based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 

Headquartered in London, Climate Group also has offices in Beijing, New Delhi and New York. Its mission is driving climate action, fast, and in focusing on systems with the highest emissions, such as energy, transport, built environment, heavy industry and food.

The European office will be headed up by Jeroen Gerlag, who joins the organisation from METRO AG where he was Head of Corporate Responsibility. Throughout his career Jeroen has gained valuable experience working in corporate communications, public affairs, corporate responsibility and fundraising. He has a background in developing and implementing sustainability and emission reduction projects, bringing together policy and business, in both commercial and non-profit organisations. Prior to this, Jeroen spent three years at Climate Group in London as Global Project Manager following time spent working in Amsterdam for global consultancy Hill & Knowlton, the Postcode Lottery Group and the City of Amsterdam. He was also Chair of the Consumer Goods Forum Forest Positive Coalition Soy Working Group.

“Climate Group’s valuable work across systems has the potential to propel Europe towards a net zero society, while the economy and social justice continue to grow. Our team will take forward the important progress already made to help shift European markets and policies towards faster reductions in carbon emissions, which is essential to stay within the goal of 1.5°C.” – Jeroen Gerlag, Head of Climate Group Europe

Priorities for the European team will be to expand Climate Group’s business programmes on electric vehicles (EV100), renewable energy (RE100), energy efficiency (EP100), steel (SteelZero) and concrete (ConcreteZero). They will also focus on building up Climate Group’s work with coalitions of business and subnational governments to target a range of issues within the food supply chain. Within the Under2 Coalition of states and regions, for which Climate Group is Secretariat, the European team will look to work more extensively with key policymakers and leaders on the subnational level, with national governments and with the EU to drive climate action.

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“We have always worked in close proximity with European sub-national governments and businesses from our headquarters in London. Our new Europe office will allow us to develop and extend these networks and relationships, creating new opportunities to quicken the pace for emissions reductions in the region. Drawing on the power of collective action, both in Europe and across our global operations, we look forward to creating meaningful change and impact.” – Helen Clarkson CEO, Climate Group


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